Thursday, March 21, 2013

Loneliness-Time to Bond.


             Our presence is a medium not a source……
 Today’s world is more social than ever we brought the conspicuous profound changes which made it possible.  We have devised the means of distraction to keep off ourselves from any sort of discomfort .We have created a virtual world where way of interaction is only a key stroke away. Virtual world, where one can choose what one’s wanted to be, Anonymity, the liberty which the real world doesn't provide. 

But still there are certain things inside us which remains intact nevertheless of the evolution and the peculiar changes we brought into the world. And we only can find these things only when we will try to see inside ourselves. 

Today when I am writing this blog I was feeling a little lonely, and this was not my first encounter with loneliness and I am very sure every person in his life come across a situation when he goes through a phase of boredom. There is no electricity in the area for last couple of hours as a part of government power cut scheme.  So Internet connection is out; I have drained away all other possible option for feeling better. Temperature is torching outside. I could have stepped out of my room however I made an opposite decision to stay inside four walls. I decided to encounter this boredom and write about the feeling it generates.

So I volunteered myself for feeling this, I knew these feelings would be ephemeral but as the moments gained momentum I felt too weak to face this. All the worldly things appear worthless, I felt like abandoned. I felt like air surrounding me contaminated with contempt and it started suffocating me. I just don’t want to be myself, and i want to hide somewhere because i can’t face myself. i felt pity about myself thinking how much dependent I have become on my surrounding that I can’t even bear I bored of myself or have become unbearable?. Tides of timid thoughts swayed me back and forth. What can I do? Nothing!

I think no one will disagree with my point that just like we spent some of our time to listen to others to understand what their thoughts are or more importantly to form a relationship, same way behind every bond there is a prerequisite that we spent some time together to understand one another or each other better. The same rule applies here then why not we spent some time with  ourselves to understand ourselves better to form a more strong bond with ourselves even when that will be for our benefit because the better you understand yourself the better it will bring out of you.

I asked to myself how I can be unfair to myself and deaf to my own voice. It happens that in a way of socializing with others we often overlook the person within ourselves. We forget that the person within ourselves has same expectation, demands just like others person has. It asks for, an attachment, a sense of belonging, fondness, affection from us. And if we keep continue to ignore to listen it someday it will lose its voice, its identity or more accurately we lose our very own self.

After feeling loneliness as a firsthand experience for first time for a brief time, my own perception about loneliness is quite awestricken, I felt a sense of attachment with myself a kind of reverence for my inner self. And belief me it was one of the best experience of my life. What you are now is because of your inner self which deserves to be credited. And we all should spend some time with ourselves, because just like other big buddies it is one and therefore it is his right to be listened. J

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